Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The reason for this blog...

I've been faced with a lot of things in my life, as most people can say. And not until recently did I realize that the overachievers out there have been looking down on me, and believe that I'm a bad mother for the choices I've made. (I write this now, as two co-workers whisper in the next cubicle about my son. I can hear them.)

I don't do drugs; I don't beat my children; I don't let them bully others. I give my children unconditional love; spoil them (in the "good" way, if you believe in a such thing); and will support them on whatever journey they desire... within reason. (And I can say "within reason" because they're 7 and 3.)

As I've been talking with other mothers, I realized that I was quickly falling victim to the overachievers, and actually started to believe that maybe I have been doing a bad job. However, as I've talked with similar moms, I realized that I am not a bad mother. I am doing the very best that I can, and if that's not up to the highest standards, then they can kiss my ass. 

That's the reason for this blog. I want an outlet for this crazy roller coaster called Motherhood. I want to explain my choices in life, from the big to the small. To document all the reasons why I'm a "bad mother." And I'm hoping to connect with other moms out there that feel the same way I do. I know I'm not alone. I want all the so-called "bad mothers" out there to know that too. So, please feel free to leave your input, whether you agree or not. But beware.. I really don't give a crap!

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